
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Should Organs be for Sale?

Currently, a controversial issue of both medical and ethical traits is circulating throughout many countries of the world, concerning whether citizens should have the right to sell their organs or just give them up for donation. 

So why is the question, "Should Organs be for Sale?" a huge issue?

There is a significant portion of people that do actually donate their organs; however, the number of donors does not match the rising number of patients in need of transplants.

Personally, I would not allow the selling of organs, because it is a manner of self-exploitation. Of course, if organs had been for purchase, the number of people in need of organ transplants would decrease, but the morality of the people and economy would fall apart. Impoverished people, in desperate need of money, would be faced with the desperate option of making money and losing an organ. With that, they are caught in a personal battle of deceit and exploitation. Another question to take into consideration when think about this issue is, “How will the government be able to pay the organ sellers?” If people are granted the right to sell their organs, the number of organs sellers is going to rise, and when it rises, the health department of the government will be forced to pay an extensive amount of money to the organ sellers, whether it’d be money or discounted healthcare. Either way, the government has to be able to pay the organ sellers, and the only way possible is by taking a small portion of money out of the nation’s back pocket. This indicates a rise in taxes. The nation’s citizens will have to pay more taxes in order to pay for the people selling their organs.
The online article, “Sell Organs to Save Lives,” by BBC news, confronts the issue of the UK government allowing the right to make organs for sale and purchase. Martin Wilkinson, the writer of this article, displays his personal viewpoint of the issue. He believes that people should have the right to sell their organs. Our opinions clash because we each support different sides of the issue; I choose to support the side of personal morality and he chooses the science of economics. He confronts the subject of supply and demand is this issue. Wilkinson believes that when the ability to make money from selling organs is allowed, then people will start to give away more of their organs (supply), meeting the needs of the large number of patients waiting for an organ transplant (demand).

To view the article, "Sell Organs to Save Lives," click on the link below: