
Friday, November 5, 2010

Speech Video Evaluation

Let me just start this post off by saying,
"It is so hard to watch a demonstration video of yourself!"
It's easier for a person to critique themself because they instantly seek out the negatives so, I am going to list the positve sides to my demonstration video first. Then, I will record some aspects that I need to work on.

Before I give an evaluation of my video, I am going to give a background of the demonstration. On Wednesday, October 27, I taught my Life Science Communications class how to make Oreo Brownies. My speech was a little over 5 minutes long: an extremely nerve-wrecking experience.

After reviewing the video of my demonstration speech, I can list some positive and negative aspects of my speech. I noticed in the video, that I did keep a substantial amount of eye-contact with the audience, and I used frequent hand expressions throughout my demonstration. I was also pleased with my use of visual aids. Showing the different utensils used to make brownies and applying some of them to my demonstration was an advantage to my speech.

Some things that I could work on for future speeches would be introduction, articulation, pauses, and organization. My introduction was moderate. I tried connecting my subject to the audience with the idea of "favorite foods". Though I believe I could have introduced the subject in a more interesting way, such as providing a question to the audience. To give an even more outstanding introduction, I could have also used a more dynamic voice; the pitch of my voice was somewhat consistent and ordinary. 

Some minor things I could have done with my voice were adjusting my articulation and completing my sentences. I noticed in a few parts of the video, that I would stumble over a few words and mutter the rest of my sentence. It’s natural for me to feel rushed in a demonstration, so to prevent myself from stumbling over words, I could use some pauses to catch my breath.

Another thing I would like to work on for my next speech is better organization. In my demonstration, I talked in the order of ‘brownie batter, crushing Oreos, bake brownies, and then adding frosting and Oreo topping’.  This order worked for my presentation; however, I wish I had defined my brownie-making steps to provide a little more time for my speech and give a clearer explanation of the process.

Overall, I had fun giving this speech and watching other classmates giving theirs. I hope I can successfully apply my critiques and others’ critiques to my next presentation.

To view my demonstration video on "How to Make Brownies" click on the link below:

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