
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Call of Duty: Is it too Real?

“Violence in Video Games” was produced to demonstrate the close similarities between real-world violence and simulated violence included in video games. The video juxtapositions scenes captured in the real-world and those that exist in the fantasy game world depicted in the Call of Duty series. Shooting dogs, beating children and murdering innocent civilians are dwarfed by the amount of unmitigated evil game developers are having their heroes portray.

Now, Call of Duty is introducing the use of biological weaponry. The use of bio-weapon torture is captured in the video connected to the link below.

Call of Duty: Bio-Weapon Torture

This new edition to the Call of Duty series portrays soldiers torturing a spy with a shard of glass and constant punching in order to retrieve the spy's secret information of his connections with a bioweapon producing company. In this hunt for the producers of deadly biological weapon called Nova 6, the soldiers kill anything and anyone in their path to find the weapon and contain it. A biological weapon is a bacterium, fungus, or virus created solely for the lethal destruction of a population. Questioning places such as Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, is this video game being too real for consumers?

The information given is based on real countries and real biological weapon information. The people that are playing this game are being exposed to the unfair exploitation of poorly alleged countries. The search for this biological weapon gives insight to the harmful affects of the weapon, but introduces it on a bad note.

To follow the blog that first sparked this idea, click on the link below:
Technorati: Call of Duty

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